
2025. july 26. (saturday)

43. Lidl balaton-átúszás

Hungary's largest open water swimming event awaits you too. Join over ten thousand athletes who conquer the Hungarian sea, the magnificent Lake Balaton, every year! Besides the 5.2-kilometer distance, you can also complete the half-distance (2.6 km), or even paddle across Hungary's largest lake on a SUP. See you in the water! 

Hungary's iconic open water swimming event that you must complete at least once

A Lidl Balaton-átúszás kifejezetten amatőr-, és hobbi úszóknak szóló nyíltvízi szabadidősport-esemény, amelyen az átlagos úszóidő 3 óra. A nagyvilágban is egyedülálló, hogy egy ilyen hatalmas és gyönyörű tavat, ekkora létszámú, biztonságos körülmények között megszervezett esemény keretében át lehessen úszni. 200 vitorlásból álló úszófolyosó, tucatnyi vízimentő és rendőrségi motoros, 3 kórházhajó a vízen és több mint ezer szervező garantálja a biztonságod. 

You can swim or paddle, as we have challenges for everyone.

Discover the magnificent Lake Balaton by swimming between Révfülöp and Balatonboglár.

Hundreds of boats assist along the route, so you are never alone.

You can gain a lifelong community experience that you will always remember.

We await you at the finish line with a unique medal so that you never forget this day.


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Betelt a maximális létszám a Balaton-áthúzásra (SUP) Helyszíni nevezés nem lehetséges! FIGYELEM  A többi táv is erre a sorsra juthat, így nevezz időben, …

Choose the challenge that suits you best

Conquer Lake Balaton on one of the three different distances available

The classic: 5.2 kilometers

LIDL Lake Balaton Cross swimming (5.2 km)

Are you ready for Lake Balaton's greatest challenge? The 5.2 km distance is the crown jewel of the LIDL Lake Balaton Crossing. This is the distance that tests every swimmer but offers unforgettable experiences in return. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced swimmer, it's time to challenge yourself amidst the waves of Lake Balaton! This classic distance is primarily for those who want to test their limits and enjoy the magical beauty of Lake Balaton.

If you were to swim only half of it

LIDL Lake Balaton Cross swimming half distance (2.6 km)

Not quite ready for the full distance yet? No problem, we have a solution for you! Join us for the "halfway" option. Start from Balatonboglár, swim around the buoy located at 1300 meters, and return together with the LIDL Lake Balaton Crossing (5.2 km) participants to the finish line in Balatonboglár. 

Paddleboarding on the Hungarian Sea

LIDL Lake Balaton Crossing on SUP (5.2 km)

If swimming isn't your thing, here's another option: the LIDL Lake Balaton Crossing! We've embraced the latest sports craze: now you can complete the 5.2 km distance on a SUP board! SUP participants will have a separate corridor completely isolated from swimmers, starting from Révfülöp and finishing in Balatonboglár just like all participants of the classic distance.

Take a sneak peek at the preview

It's time to challenge yourself at Hungary's largest open water swimming event

Whether you're a beginner swimmer or a professional athlete, we have challenges for everyone at Hungary's largest open water swimming event. The 5.2 km distance is a true test of strength, achievable with proper preparation by anyone willing to take it on. If the full distance feels daunting, the half-distance (2.6 km) might be the perfect choice. Alternatively, if you prefer paddleboarding over swimming, you can paddle across the distance between Révfülöp and Balatonboglár. This event isn't just about personal achievement; it's also a communal experience. With professional rescue teams and well-organized arrangements, your safety is our priority in the water. We pay attention to every detail so that you can focus solely on your swim. Don't forget to register in time to secure your spot at one of the year's biggest sports events!

Those who couldn't do it without their help

our partners


SAVE THE DATE: 2025. július 26. (szombat)

Na az van, hogy 2025. július 26-ot már most blokkold ki a naptáradban, mert egy szuper programot fogunk Neked csinálni, sok újdonsággal! Jön a 43. Lidl Balaton-átúszás! 

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